Submission and domination

Farting and burping

This is purely for funand is all about Wind. ( why do i still find it funny?)

Do you you find farting funny or vulgar? Funny

what type of farts do you do? Loud and smelly

The average person farts 12 times a day, do you fart more or less?

More about 20 times a day, sometimes more especially if i eat spicy food or a curry

Do you fart in public? No (only silent when i am getting out of a lift (oh yeh high fives myself)).

Have you ever done a wet one?

Yes I was on my way to work and had to go back home to change. Teach me for forcing it.

What foods make you burp or fart?

Pizza, and spicy for farts and coke or fizzy drinks make me burp.

Have you ever farted in bed during sex?

Yes in bed but no during sex although she kept fanny farting, lol.

Have you ever burped during a snog? Yes

what was there reaction? she did it first so nothing, we were both drunk.

Whats the most embarring situation you have ever farted or burpd in?

I had a lemonade before an interview and burped whilst answering a question. I didn't get the job, wish i had farted instead! How dare they not give me the job.

Favourite fart movie? Blazing saddles during the bean scene.

Any more you can think of then please add. However i know this post will be taken down so get your answers down quick.
16 years

Farting and burping

Yay someone finally contributed this Post.

Everyone talks about how stuffed they are and how fat they are getting.
But what about the immediate physical effect that having a drink or eating food has on you. ie feeling bloated.

You dont have to answer my questions but add your own. I mean is there any food that has a really bad effect on you?. I mean the smell of fish or pickled onions make me want to throw up. Add your own.

Someone above said that this is really dumb idea and should be kept to yourself well 1/ maybe her photos with sex written underneath should be kept to herself and 2/ Farts are to be shared and savoured.

It is the direct result of what we eat. So why is it stupid to talk about something so natural. Hey people accuse us brits of being prudish and yet i think we are the most open minded people in the world and far from what the world believes we talk about sex a lot and have just as much sex as everyone else except porn is a bit of a no go area in this country.

So come on and fart like you mean it.
16 years